A Brief History of Coffee and Why We Love it

Coffee is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature could give us. And with plenty of it to go around, why not use this gift to your favor!  With JavaJavaMoola, organizations such as non-profits, schools, churches and many more can use coffee to fundr…

You’ve got a warm cup of coffee in your hands and it practically feels like a hug in a mug! The warm elixir that rejuvenates you and wakes you during your time of need is a staple in your life. But have you ever stopped to consider how it came to be in your possession?

Whose hard work was it that allowed this bounty of Mother Nature to become so beloved by almost the world’s population? Let’s dive into the annals of history, shall we?

The Origin of Coffee

Looking back, it seems we have either Ethiopia or Yemen to thank for our collective coffee addiction. Dating back to the 14 centuries ago, coffee was discovered in one of these two countries. We can’t decide because both countries have their own sets of myths and legends regarding the discovery.

Coffee is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature could give us. And with plenty of it to go around, why not use this gift to your favor!  With JavaJavaMoola, organizations such as non-profits, schools, churches and many more can use coffee to fundr…

Either way, the fact is that once word got out that coffee was a thing, this tale moved east and reached the Arabian Peninsula, and that is where the journey began!

Traders and cultivators started getting involved. By the time the 16th century rolled around, coffee was being grown in Persia, Egypt, Syria and Turkey and was being enjoyed in homes and public coffee places alike. It was around this time that coffee started being associated with socializing, since people would mostly listen to music, watch performers, play chess and converse over a cup of coffee.

This became so common that coffee houses started getting referred to as the Schools of the Wise. It also helped that when pilgrims converged to the holy city of Mecca, they started visiting these coffee houses as well to experience the ‘Wine of Araby’.

The Popularity of Coffee in Europe

Coffee is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature could give us. And with plenty of it to go around, why not use this gift to your favor!  With JavaJavaMoola, organizations such as non-profits, schools, churches and many more can use coffee to fundr…

It wasn’t until the 17th century that Europeans started drinking coffee after being introduced to it by some European travelers that visited the Near East.

Although coffee was viewed with fear and suspicion by the local clergy (so much so that it was called the ‘bitter invention of Satan’) it still gained a loyal following in society. It was during this time that Pope Clement VIII was requested to finally decide its standing. But he found coffee so enjoyable that he rewarded it a papal approval.

This boosted coffee’s popularity even more, all the way to Holland, Austria, France, Germany and England. Pretty soon, coffee began replacing tea as a common drinking beverage. Numerous specialized coffee houses cropped up all over Europe, some of which are even popular today.

Coffee in America

Around the 1600s, coffee was brought to New York then called New Amsterdam. As with Europe, it became quite popular, taking the city by storm. Yet tea was still popular. Nevertheless, all that changed after tea was heavily taxed in 1773 by King George III. And that was when the Boston Tea Party incident occurred, which thereby changed the position of coffee in American history.

Coffee is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature could give us. And with plenty of it to go around, why not use this gift to your favor!  With JavaJavaMoola, organizations such as non-profits, schools, churches and many more can use coffee to fundr…

For the Love of Coffee

Coffee is and always will be, one of the most sought-after commodities on the planet.

And despite what many people might think is the reason behind coffee’s popularity; the truth is that this special appreciation is because — despite all options — coffee does the job just right of keeping you awake, but not buzzed. Coffee has stimulating qualities which for many people, calms their nerves and makes them feel more relaxed.

Coffee is also a great social drink. Its flavor allows for improvement and experimentation. So even if someone hasn’t typically liked coffee before, they would still find something that would suit their preferences.

How JavaJavaMoola Comes into the Picture

Coffee is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature could give us. And with plenty of it to go around, why not use this gift to your favor!  With JavaJavaMoola, organizations such as non-profits, schools, churches and many more can use coffee to fundr…

Coffee is one of the greatest gifts Mother Nature could give us. And with plenty of it to go around, why not use this gift to your favor!

With JavaJavaMoola, organizations such as non-profits, schools, churches and many more can use coffee to fundraise for their cause!

So contact us! Benefit from this unique coffee fundraising idea and spread the joy that only coffee can provide for us!